The only 12 Lead - 3D Infarction Template.
MI Rule Visions® is an innovative, clinically proven tool, making recognition of STEMI and ischemia location in a 12 lead ECG rapid and simple. This handheld template has movable waveforms to show all 12 leads as they appear normal, ischemic, and in injury. By rotating or tilting the top edge of MI Rule Visions towards or away from you, the ST segments change, providing a clear, solid reference.
These color-coded templates contain a wealth of information including AHA/ACC guidelines for UA/NSTEMI/STEMI, reciprocal changes, culprit arteries, cardiac markers, lead placement and waveform norms, and other critical references.
Clinically Significant Tool: MI Rule Visions® study data was presented orally at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions on November 14, 2006. This data validated MI Rule Visions® as a "statistically and CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT TOOL" for increasing the ability to identify ST elevation or depression in a 12 lead ECG!
Increase your proficiency, accuracy and confidence!